2019년 5월 23일 목요일

TL Eye surgery

TL Eye surgery

As most Asians have small monolid eyes
Eyeplasty is the most common plastic surgery 
that is performed especially in Korea :)

TL provides a personalised consultation and the operation
that is designed for each patient
This is to customise the surgery based on the patient's original facial features
After the quick surgery you will look beautiful or handsome
and you don't need to stress about your flaws anymore

Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created for each patients!

TL Eyeplasty System
1:1 consultation
Eyes & nose specialist team
Eyes & nose specialist operation team
Continuous follow-up
Continuous studies
Satistying results with balance and personality

For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring

Worried about the front chin revisional surgery?

Worried about the front chin revisional surgery?

You can assess to many information or have facial contouring surgery compared to previous years.
Espeically the small and slim faical line for front chin has been popular.
However, if you went with the cheapest price or got your surgery from unprofessional doctor
you may want to have a reivisonal surgery
TL Dr.Kim who has a lot of clincial experience investigatse
the contributing factors of the failure of your initial surgery
 and is willing to give his best to provide optimal results
 for the patients by using 3d-ct scan.
He has been invited to many famous European conference
presenting his lecture and publish his dissertation.
With his constant effort to learn more about facial contouring surgery
and the zest for the leader of his specialist he has been the most well-known plastic surgeon in Gangnam.
Dr. Kim earned the patron called v-line osteotomy
 which cuts the chin at once from ear to chin point
with this minial incision patients have a quick recovery
and you can have a v line shape chin from any point of view.

TL has an anesthesiologist who is on site.
She monitor patients throughout the surgery and cares for them.
Air shower conditioning system help get rid of the micro dust
and prevent from secondary infection
With monitoring system that you can watch patient's surgery in real life
so that you can have an assurance that doctor is not swapped
while patient is put asleep.
Asthetican take care of the pain or swelling, your down time
with personalised meical equipmment.
For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring 

2019년 5월 21일 화요일

9 months after Facial contouring surgery and Rhinoplasty

9 months after Facial contouring surgery and Rhinoplasty

Finally 9 months have passed after the surgery!
I’m doing well these days
For a while, I had difficulty in opening the mouth because of the tightness
But now it got better that I can even eat big macs lol
It took 1-2 months for the major swelling to go away
I still have some minor swelling but I look natural now
My nose seemed to look bit bulbous and high at first
But it was all swelling I love my nose now
I had a tough time recovering
because I got facial contouring and rhinoplasty at the same time
But it was worth it! I love the result!
I became more confident now
For information contact me today
line: tlfacialcontouring
9 months after Facial contouring surgery+Rhinoplasty

TL Anti-aging eyelid surgery

TL Anti-aging eyelid surgery

Lower blepharoplasty is a surgery removing wrinkles and 
repositioning the sagging fat on the lower eyelid to 
make bright impression and younger eyes



Lower blepheroptosis


Lower blepheroptosis


Lower blepheroptosis+under eye fat grafting+brow lift

TL Lower blepharoplasty

Small incision _ Invisible scar on the eyelashes line
Lifting _ Sagging fat and muscle reposition
Love band_ Natural love band that makes baby face

For information contact me today 

line: tlfacialcontouring

2019년 5월 20일 월요일

Fantastic nose job at TL

Fantastic nose job at TL 

If you have a high nose from every point of view
you can be seen from people that you have a positive image
Therefore, more and more people who were stressed about their ugly nose
are coming to TL plastic surgery to change their image

When you search for the best nose job plastic surgery
you can spot TL plastic surgery.
What would be the reason?

Rhinoplasty is one common plastic surgery
 that many people want regardless of their age and gender
but the higher demands of rhinoplasty lead to the higher side effect cases
The reason why it happens is that you choose your hospital for cheap price
or you insist the unnatural nose line that doesn't suit you

So if you have decided that you want to have a nose job
you need to check whether medical specialists are responsible for 
consultation, operation, and the after-care
they listen to your desire, and they plan their surgery by considering the overal proportion and the location of your eyes, nose and mouth.
As the surgery is directly invovled with your safety
 you must check whether plastic surgery have systematic safe system

For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring

2019년 5월 17일 금요일

TL Plasic Surgery Eyes Before&After

TL Plasic Surgery
Eyes Before&After





After 7 months

You may all notice how important the eyes are
from her before and after pictures
Eyes really does play a significant role in deciding one's attractiveness

She underwent incisional double eyelid, ptosis correction,
canthoplasy, lateral canthoplasy and lower canthoplasy

For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring

2019년 5월 16일 목요일

Jaw reduction, chin reduction and rhinoplasty

Jaw reduction, chin reduction and rhinoplasty


I got jaw reduction, chin reduction and rhinoplasty
and it’s been a month now

Like more than you guys can imagine
I was so stressed out with my huge jaw
I used get the nose filler to straighten the hump but it only last for a short time
So I decided that I want to get rhinoplasty with facial contouring surgery


It’s only been a month, so I thought that I would be more swollen up by now
But I look okay than what I expected
Still have some minor swelling on cheeks though

I heard that I will look so much prettier than now when the swelling subside completely
It’s hard to open my mouth yet and can feel some pain on my chin but eating is not a problem
I am very satisfied with the results!


For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring

2019년 5월 13일 월요일

Zygoma reduction at TL

 Zygoma reduction at TL

 Tightening 3D zygoma reduction surgery has been popular in recent years.
Tightening 3D Zygoma Reduction uses trapezoid osteotomy and dual rotation metho
to reduce the zygomatic bone and upward adhesive fixation to increase skin elasticity

You can see the dramatic results after the surgery
This minises the side effects such as cheeck sagging

Because zygoma reduction is one of the facial contouring surgeries
 you need to find a trustworthy doctor
At TL, Dr. Kim and Dr. Choi uses 3D-scan to anaylse patient's unique face features
and shape and size of the zygoma
They take care the process from consulation to after check-up

Everything will be offered as one to one

TL put the patient first and there is an anthesiology specialist
who take care of patient's overall health
There is facial contouring specialised astheticians
who offer exclusive after care for the post operation

For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring


2019년 5월 9일 목요일

Choose wisely when you are going to have a nose job

Choose wisely when you are going to have a nose job

Nose, as a middle potint of view, decides personal image of the person
There are many types of noses such as bulbous nose, nose hump, arriwgeaded nose
The basic type of the nose is making the lower nose bridge higher

In recent years, there aren't many cases where you make either of your nose bridge higher or the nose tip
Mostly, they raise nose bridge and tip higher altogether
Because, for the harmonised and balanced nose making only one part higher 
will limit the appropriate propertion for nose

In case of the low nose, unless it is the second surgery
 implant will be inserted on your nose bridge and ear cartilage and the nasal septum for the tip
For your nose bridge you can either choose the suitable sillicon or Goer-tex etc
General type of the implant is the sillicon implant that has been used for long time


For the nose tip, ear cartilage and nasal cartilage are used commonly
Nasal cartilage can be taken out from inside of your nose during the surgery 
but ear cartilage is seperately taken out from the ear 
so there may be a scarring with the nose surgery at the same time
But this small amount of the ear carterlige doesn't affect your daily life 
and it's the most used way to make your nose pretty so don't you worry

For information contact me today

line: tlfacialcontouring