2017년 6월 1일 목요일



TL offers 1:1 exclusive facial contouring system :)

We provide safer and more satisfactory result with years of experience
only for who really need facial contouring
We have pride for the result with individual customized surgery
constant research about facial contouring

Scroll through to find out how much they've changed!!

Zygoma Reduction + Square Jaw Reduction + Chin reduction +
 Nasolabial fold Implants + Double Eyelid Surgery(non-incision +
epicanthoplasty+ Revision Rhinoplasty

Complex Zygoma Reduction + Square Jaw Reduction +
 Chin reduction + Revision Rhinoplasty 

 Zygoma Reduction + Bodylong Curved Square + Chin reduction 
+ Double Eyelid Surgery(non-incision) + Rhinoplasty 

Zygoma Reduction + Square Jaw Reduction + 
Forehead, Front cheek Implants + Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery 
(non-incision+epicanthoplasty) + Revision Rhinoplasty

Zygoma Reduction + Bodylong Curved Square + 
Revision Rhinoplasty +  Front cheek implant 

 Zygoma Reduction + Bodylong Curved Square + Chin reduction 
+ Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery(+lateral canthoplasty) 
+ Rhinoplasty 

🍃June Promotions🍃
1️⃣💚Triple Vline💚
Long curved Jaw reduction & chin surgery combined with "MBC" 
✔️M (masseter muscle reduction)
✔️B (bone reduction)
✔️C (cortical osteotomy)
2️⃣💚Secret Facial Contouring💚
Zygoma reduction & mini vline (chin reduction) with dissolvable screws : 
Airport check 👍🏻xray 👍🏻mri👍🏻 
Hubbies and boyfriends will never know🙏🏻
3️⃣💚Shading Rhinoplasty💚
Perfect solution for "WATCH" 
✔️W (wide nose)
✔️A (asymmetric nose)
✔️T (troublesome nose: rhinitis, sinus infection, septum deviation)
✔️C (crooked nose)
✔️H (humpy nose)
Lateral osteotomy on the bridge, tip plasty with the best material for the medical & aesthetic perfection 
🍃Apply today at tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com📨
Stay tuned with me!
🍃Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🍃Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
🍃Kakao: tlps1234
🍃Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
🍃Email: tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein #change #facialcontouring 
#rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery 

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