2017년 9월 28일 목요일

Look at this amazing Makeover!

📲kakao: tlps1234

Look at this amazing Makeover!

Look at this amazing Makeover
What an amazing change she made!

TL offers 1:1 exclusive facial contouring system with
professional facial contouring specialists
who have experience of various facial contouring cases



She went through 
Facial contouring surgery
in TL

Only for who really need facial contouring
We provide safer and more satisfactory result with years of experience

Constant research about facial contouring
We have pride for the result with individual customized surgery

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル



📲kakao: tlps1234


As you might know Facial Contouring Surgery is a surgery that 
has to deal with the facial bone and general anesthesia
so, safety should be considered first!

TL Safe Anesthesia System?
TL Anesthesia system is equipped with the most up to date equipments 
and anesthesiologist with systematic analysis of each and every patient’s 
body condition for the most personalized anesthesia program

TL plastic surgery offers dedicated anesthesiologist on site to monitor
 the patient’s safe surgery procedure from pre to post operation
Kim, Myungok is director of anesthesiologist anesthesiology :)

TL Safe Anesthesia

Dedicated Anesthesiologist for
the Patients during the Operation
Anesthesiologist is on site 24/7 for each
operation to take care of the patients.

Real-time Monitoring while under Anesthesia
Anesthesiologists monitor blood pressure, pulse,
oxygen saturation, and EKG during the operation.

Specialized anesthesia equipment
used in general hospitals
No nausea afterwards because we only use the best anesthetic products.
Swift response through sensors to check the breath that applies
pressure to the lung under anesthesia during the operation.

Customized Anesthesia Program
Anesthesiologists perform based on the
patient’s blood test and chest X-ray.

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル

2017년 9월 27일 수요일

Epicanthoplasty & Lateral canthoplasty

Epicanthoplasty &
Lateral canthoplasty

Canthoplasty gives you defined eyes and bright impression 
by widening length of eyes
There are two types, Epicanthoplasty and  Lateral canthoplasty 

Removing Mongolian fold, able to get a wide length between the eyes

What is Mongolian fold? And why do we have to remove it?

About 60%of Asians has Mongolian fold, 
it is a fold from medial upper eyelid to lower eyelid
It covers medial part of the eyes and this makes eyes look small

 If you have Mongolian fold and undergo double 
eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty
the result can be unnatural and less effective 

Lateral canthoplasty 
It is to widening length of eyes and make balanced 
by correcting the lateral part of eyes

Some people might say that lateral canthoplasty is not permanent 
However, TL’s lateral canthoplasty removes tissues that cause revision

This  doesn’t mean you have to go through all these procedures
Making harmonized and balanced eyes are important,
Feel free to contact us for more information!

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル

TL Plastic Surgery Before&After!!!

📲kakao: tlps1234

TL Plastic Surgery Before&After!!!

List of surgery

Zygoma Reduction
Square Jaw Reduction
Forehead  Implant
Front cheek Implant
Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery 
Revision Rhinoplasty

TL offers 1:1 exclusive facial contouring system with
professional facial contouring specialists who 
have experience of various facial contouring cases!!

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル

2017년 9월 26일 화요일

Want perfect eyes? Revisional double eyelid surgery

📲kakao: tlps1234

Revisional double eyelid surgery

Everyone have different shape, thickness of skin and height of eyes
However, if these differences were not considered at the first surgery
and had unsatisfactory result you can think about getting revision eye surgery

Revision eye surgery is much more difficult than the first one
and this is the reason why you should have find the skilled specialist 
who is specialized for revisional surgery

The right time to have a revision of double eyelid surgery is 
when the scar become soft and redness disappears

The final result of previous surgery will be determined 6 months 
after surgery after all the scar swelling subsided

+ For some patients, they have to wait 1 year after the previous surgery.

Who needs Revisional eye surgery?

If your operated double eyelid is disappeared
If you have much fat on the eyelid but it wasn’t removed, you have high chance of revision due to 
the left excessive muscle and fat Therefore, remove the excessive muscle and fat and fix by revision

If you have asymmetric double eyelid crease
If you have obviously different height of double eyelid crease even after
all the swelling subsided, you can correct it by revision

Unnatural double eyelid
If the double eyelid crease is too thick and it is not suitable with your eyes
This case is the most difficult case among all the revisional case

If you have big scarring or swelling under the
double eyelid crease even after the recovery time
If you have big scar, the scar tissue should be removed And if the area under the crease 
looks swollen, the thick tissue under the crease or fix the height of crease

If the double eyelid is not clear and looks sleepy
If you have ptosis problem but had only double eyelid surgery, 
ptosis correction should be performed to make defined eye shape

Multiple double eyelid crease
If you have multiple crease after surgery, it is because too much fat or muscle was removed
If you still have multiple crease after 3 months, fat injection to fulfill the eyelid will correct the problem

If your eyelashes are upturned too much
If your eyelashes are upturned too much, lowering the fixation will correct the problem

If you have small or awkward eyes even after surgery
If you have much mongolian fold but it wasn’t improved 
when you had first surgery, it could make the result unnatural

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル