2017년 9월 27일 수요일

TL Plastic Surgery Before&After!!!

📲kakao: tlps1234

TL Plastic Surgery Before&After!!!

List of surgery

Zygoma Reduction
Square Jaw Reduction
Forehead  Implant
Front cheek Implant
Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery 
Revision Rhinoplasty

TL offers 1:1 exclusive facial contouring system with
professional facial contouring specialists who 
have experience of various facial contouring cases!!

Thanksgiving October Promotion 💯♨❗
(Must undergo surgery in October)
1) Choose any 3for 9000USD & Choose 1 part free 
botox (jaw, chin, forehead) 
or filler (chin, nose, smileline)🙏🏻.
🚩Jaw reduction 
🚩Chin surgery 
🚩Zygoma reduction 
🚩Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
🚩Cheek Implant
🚩Smileline Implant
🚩Chin Implant
2) TL Trinity is Back for 15000 USD😐👍🏻.
Facial contouring(jaw, cheeks, chin) 
+ Rhinoplasty (alar reduction, bridgplasty, septal cartilage tipplasty)
+ double eye surgery
Contact us Today🤔❤
Kakaotalk: tlps1234💯.
Stay tuned with me!
🚩Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring 
🚩Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
#plasticsurgery #cosmeticsurgery #orthodontics #makeover #letmein 
#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea #vegas
 #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 #整形 
#オルチャン#韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル

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