2018년 5월 30일 수요일

Things you have to consider before getting Rhinoplsty
Rhinoplasy is a surgery to reshape your nose to make
it more harmonize with the rest of the face
As nose plays the key role in determining person's overall image
a slight difference can make a huge difference  and this is the reason why
you should choose specialist with abundant experience in Rhinoplasty
TL Rhinoplasty system
1:1 consultation, eyes & nose specialist team
eyes & nose specialist operation team, continuous follow-up
continuous studies and  satistying results with balance and personality
Reason to choose TL Rhinoplasty?
Keep your personality and look better
complex solved yet personality remains
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created
most proportional and ideal eyes and nose for the patients’ image
Safe anesthesia system, safety is a must
24 hour real-time monitoring
Personalized plastic surgery, 1:1 customized
mortification based on the patients’ original features
Eyes and nose specialist team takes care of the patients
systematic care throughout the surgery and aftercare
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
with eyes and nose specialist team
May be Grateful Promotion 🙏🏻.
Bring a Friend, Get 10% off 👧🏻👧🏼.
Bring 2, Get 20% off👧🏼👧🏿👧🏻.
Your Choices (Must Undergo Surgery in May)
👧🏻Zygoma reduction
👧🏽Jaw reduction
👧🏼Chin reduction
👧🏾Rhinoplasty (Bridge, Tip, Alar)
👧🏽Implants : Cheeks / Chin / Paranasal
 Contact us Today🙏🏻.
 Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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