Wish to improve your nose?
Filler is a fast and simple way to improve flat nose
However, if you have wide nasal bone, hump nose,
droopy nose, upturned nose or short nose
it will be hard to get an improvement by filler :(
The best way to improve flat nose is to under go Rhinoplasty!!
From Rhinoplasty, you can expect a permanent
improvement in both aesthetics and functional side
Before / After
In fact, Rhinoplasty is not a simple surgery
Since, everyone have different face with their own ideal nose type
It is important to find well-experience specialist for a satisfactory result
Before / After
Reason to choose TL Rhinoplasty?
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created
most proportional and ideal eyes
and nose for the patients’ image
Keep your personality and look better
complex solved yet personality remains
Safe anesthesia system, safety is a must
24 hour real-time monitoring
Personalized plastic surgery, 1:1 customized
mortification based on the patients’ original features
Eyes and nose specialist team takes care of the patients
systematic care throughout the surgery and aftercare
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
with eyes and nose specialist team
Enjoy our 30 percent off summer deal by undergoing following procedures from june-july 💚..
💚Zygoma reduction
💚Jaw reduction
💚Chin reduction
💚Implant(smile-line, chin, frontal cheeks)
💚Forehead reduction
💚Philtrum reduction
Terms and conditions apply
For information contact me today
line: tlfacialcontouring
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