2017년 5월 10일 수요일

Korean Hot dog

Korean Hot dog

All of you guys might know what this is
Yes it's a Hot dogs!

However in Korea we call corn dogs as a hot dog
For last few months some of hot dog franchises 
become so popular

Price are 1000won to 1500won, it’s around 1$
Mozzarella cheese hot dogs and rice cake hot dogs are popular
Because it's a street food, you'll find it easily
on the street vendor in Korea :)

Looks yummy isn’t it?

For information contact me today 
Stay tuned with me! 
Web: http://www.tlplasticsurgery.com/facial-contouring/facial-contouring-center/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring/
Kakao: tlps1234 
Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
Instagram: tlfacialcontouringtlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
Instagram: tlfacialcontouring

🍏May Promotions🍎

🍏1) Smallest Face Facial Contouring 🍎 
(Forehead reduction/hairline lowering, zygoma reduction, jaw reduction, chin reduction, philtrum reduction).
🍏2) TL Trinity 🍎 (Eyes, Nose, & Facial Contouring Trio).

Apply today at tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com📨

Stay tuned with me!
✨Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring ✨Instagram:tlfacialcontouting
✨Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
✨Kakao: tlps1234
✨Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
✨Email: tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com

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