2017년 5월 9일 화요일

Ways to protect your health from fine particle!!

Ways to protect your health from fine particle

The fine particle has blanketed most of the city in korea
As fine particle concentration is at bad level, 
seoul is hazy with fine dust :(

Fine particle are not only bad for your health 
but, it causes a skin trouble too

Here are some ways to protect your health from fine particle!!

- Refrain from going out when fine particle is bad 
and try to wear protective mask when you are out!

- Drink enough water (at least 8 glasses a day)

- Wearing glasses is better than contact lenses

- Gargle and wash up your mouth oftenand take 
shower right away when you arrived home

For information contact me today 
Stay tuned with me! 
Web: http://www.tlplasticsurgery.com/facial-contouring/facial-contouring-center/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring/
Kakao: tlps1234 
Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
Instagram: tlfacialcontouringtlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
Instagram: tlfacialcontouring

🍏May Promotions🍎

🍏1) Smallest Face Facial Contouring 🍎 
(Forehead reduction/hairline lowering, zygoma reduction, jaw reduction, chin reduction, philtrum reduction).
🍏2) TL Trinity 🍎 (Eyes, Nose, & Facial Contouring Trio).

Apply today at tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com📨

Stay tuned with me!
✨Facebook: www.facebook.com/tlfacialcontouring ✨Instagram:tlfacialcontouting
✨Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
✨Kakao: tlps1234
✨Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
✨Email: tlfacialcontouring@gmail.com

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