1:1 exclusive consultation with Dr. Choi
Dr.Choi is the facial contouring specialist at TL plastic surgery
He has developed his skill and expertise while on his several placement
with the constant research and numerous clincial experience
he became one of the leading plastic surgery
who specialised in facial contouring in Korea :)
He offers the 1:1 exclusive consultation with detailed c
onversation with the patients, and tries to know what is
the patient's expectation and suggest his medical opinion
answering all the questions during the consultation
TL Facial Contouring Surgery
Only for who really need facial contouring
We provide safer and more satisfactory result with years of experience
Constant research about facial contouring
We have pride for the result with individual customized surgery
🏄🏻♀🍉July Specials🍉🏄🏻♀
🏄🏻♀🍉TL Trinity for USD 9000🍉🏄🏻♀
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
Special rates apply for revisions, complex cases & multiple surgeries
🏄🏻♀🍉Contact us Today🍉🏄🏻♀
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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#整形#オルチャン #韓国 #江南 #狎鴎亭 #新沙 #カロスキル
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