2018년 7월 10일 화요일

Male's Zygoma reduction Before and After

Male's Zygoma reduction Before and After


 The protruded zygoma makes the person less classy
which may affect their job interview, social life, or the job hunting
There is an increasing number of male patients in TL
wishing to have a zygoma reduction surgery to get a softer look
This is our patient's face before the surgery
He underwent zygoma reduction surgery at TL done by Dr.Choi
Dr. Choi is successful sergeon and is well known for facial contouring surgery
With his deep knowledges and many clincal expereinces on the male patients
he can get you asssuranced results
After 3 months.
The swelling is getting better and better
After 5 months
It became very natural.
 No one will notice whether you had a surgery
unless you tell the others

TL put patient's safety first by preparing the latest version of medical equippment
 and has the specialised anethisology monitoring patient's
 throuhout the operation and choosing the right medications for indivdiuals

🏄🏻‍♀🍉July Specials🍉🏄🏻‍♀
🏄🏻‍♀🍉TL Trinity for USD 9000🍉🏄🏻‍♀
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
Special rates apply for revisions, complex cases & multiple surgeries
🏄🏻‍♀🍉Contact us Today🍉🏄🏻‍♀
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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