2018년 8월 23일 목요일

Facial Contouring Surgery and Revision Rhinoplasty by Dr.Jeemyung Kim

9 months had passed after the
Facial Contouring Surgery and Revision Rhinoplasty by Dr.Jeemyung Kim

Hi guys I underwent zygoma, jaw, chin reduction, 
nasolabial fold implant and revision rhinopalsty at TL.
Now it’s been 9 months and now I am getting used to my new face.
My face looked wide and big because of the angular&asymmetrical face shape.
On my way to the clinic, I was sooo nervous that I wanted to cancel the surgery.
Anyhow, I am glad with the result! I think I made a right choice.

For sure, my face has become slimmer and smaller after the surery
Even the side profile have been improved a lot as I had nasolabial fold implant
To be honest, I was worried about the side effects and unnaturalness
but the result turned out so natural and beautiful without any problem. I really like it.

Oh! And right before the surgery, I had a chance to meet Dr.Jeemyung Kim once again.
He was so friendly and warm, I could trust in him with his years of clinical experiences.
For the surgery like facial contouring, 
I believe the surgeon's experience is important than anything else!!
I suffered with the minor swelling for a while, but now it has gone down a lot!

🌞Hot summer specials🌞
🌞Facial contouring for USD 8880🌞
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
🌞Rhinoplasty from USD 4000🌞
🌞Eye surgery from USD 1200🌞
Special rates apply for revisions, complex cases & multiple surgeries
🌞Contact us Today🌞
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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