2018년 9월 12일 수요일

Things to consider before facial contouring surgery

Things to consider before facial contouring surgery

The rise in the number of facial contouring surgery has also brought about
a rise in the number of botched surgeries which caused a revision surgery
Then, how can we avoid from failure?

facial contouring TL plastic surgery

First, it is important to find a face shape that fits you.
Following the trend without considering bone structure,
never position and facial feature can lead to a failure.
If you want to avoid revision surgery, the surgery must be planned
by the specialist through detailed consultation
and accurate analyzing by 3D-CT scan considering overall balance and proportion.

facial contouring TL plastic surgery

Secondly, the surgery must be performed by highly skilled specialists.
Facial contouring surgery is a complicated and difficult operation
as it has to deal with a facial bonewhere blood vessels and nerves are located.
In order to achieve safe and satisfactory result, patients must choose specialist
who have plentiful clinical experience and know-how from many years.

Dr.Choi is the facial contouring  specialist at TL plastic surgery
He has developed his skill and expertise while on his several placement
with the constant research and numerous clincial experience
 he is one of the leading plastic surgery who specialised in facial contouring in Korea!
Lastly, patients must check whether the clinic has a systematic safety system.

🦋September Specials🦋
🦋Dates: 1-30 September 🦋
🦋Facial contouring for USD 8800🦋
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🦋Contact us Today🦋
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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