2018년 9월 16일 일요일

What is Tipplasty?

What is Tipplasty?

Did you know well-defined tip creates a beautiful side profile?
 A lot of Asians have flat and bulbous nose tip because of small tip cartilage and thick fat layer
Boulbous nose correction is highly requested plastic surgery in Korea
In most cases, to have a natural looking nose with refining the tip
Bridgeplasty is advised with Tipplasty

Who is right candidate for Tipplasty?
✔ Bulbous tip
✔ Nose tip is droopy compared to the bridge
✔ Short tip causing nose to look upturned
✔ Long tip which is off-balance
✔ Reshaping is wanted with the bridge

TL tipplasty offers autologous cartilage tipplasty for the
side-efffect prevention and the most effective outcome
Most harmonizing eyes and nose are created in TL
with 1:1 customized design and consultation!!
For more information contact me today :)

🦋September Specials🦋
🦋Dates: 1-30 September 🦋
🦋Facial contouring for USD 8800🦋
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🦋Contact us Today🦋
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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