2017년 1월 16일 월요일

Double eyelid Surgery

  Buried suture method

The method fixing double eyelid without incising skin

This method is known as quick double eyelid surgery, magic double eyelid surgery, and etc, in different clinics.
Commonly, buried suture method has various type such as simple buried suture, continues buried suture, single tie buried suture, and etc,.
TL Plastic surgery applies the most suitable type of buried suture method based on individual’s eyes.

  Surgery method

Double eyelid surgery with inserting thread through 1mm small holes and burying on the double eyelid line




  Check list

  • I have disappearing double eyelid
  • I have asymmetry double eyelid
  • I have only one side double eyelid
  • I want natural looking double eyelid
  • This surgey method is recommanded to persom who have thin eyelid skin with less fat tissue
If you think you are following one of those list above and you want free consultation please contact us
Contact me for free consultation
 Personal & Professional.
 TL Facial Contouring
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