2017년 1월 19일 목요일

Drinking a cup of water in the morning


01 Detoxification

 Drinking a cup of water in on empty stomach detoxifies your body and enhance the blood circulation.

  02 Healthy Diet

 If you are on a diet, it is necessary to drinking water on an empty stomach. It also makes you to feel less starving than you expected as well as food craving.

03 Helps constipation

A cup of water on an empty stomach stimulates intestine which excretes waste matter from the body. It is highly effective in women.

04 Raise Body Metabolism

Water in the body speeds up the metabolism. Metabolism secretive substances in to chemical and material changes. As high body metabolism, the body is health and activative.

05 Increase Immune system

Water activates lymphnodes and as lymphnodes are manipulated, personal physical strength and immune system will be improved.


06 Have smooth and silky hair

Enriched moisture develops nutrition in hair because 1/4 of hair consists of moisture. If you would like to have smooth silky hair, do not forget to drink water!

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 TL Facial Contouring


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