2018년 10월 16일 화요일

Things to know after Cheekbone Reduction

Things to know after Cheekbone Reduction

Did you know patient’s carelessness can cause side effects and revision
even if the surgery itself was successfu?
So, here are some important dos and don’ts
 you should know after cheekbone reduction

Cheekbone Reduction
Cheekbone Reduction

Regular application of facial compression bandage and 
icepack around operated areas
Take the prescribed medications as instructed
Do not randomly remove the bandages and taping before medical staff does it

Cheekbone Reduction

Soft diet for 2months. Do not chew hard & chewy foods
Do not allow water to touch the surgical area before stitches are removed
Avoid heavy activities for a month 
(regular daily activities can help the de-swelling process)
Avoid drinking alcohol and smoke for a months

Cheekbone Reduction

To help patient’s fast recovery, safe and satisfactory results
TL offers a postoperative care system. Pain, swelling, bruise,
skin rejuvenation and increased elasticity!!
1:1 Personalized Program for the optimal healing planned by the doctor

Cheekbone Reduction

🍁October Specials🍁
🍁Dates: 1-31 October🍁
🍁Facial contouring 🍁
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin & Implants
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🍁Contact us Today🍁
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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