2018년 10월 11일 목요일

TL Rhinoplasty real review!!

TL Rhinoplasty real review!!


It's been a while that I got rhinoplasty in TL
and I’m doing well these days!!
The swelling is keep going down as I’m still in the recovery process
Heard that the tip gets lower as the swelling goes down but I like it!
It looks sooooo natural J
Doctor Sewoon Choi was my surgeon!


TL put patient's safety first by preparing the latest version of medical equippment
 and has the specialised anethisology monitoring patient's
 throuhout the operation and choosing the right medications for indivdiuals.
Furthermore, TL introduced the 4 steps sterilised system to prevent from infections and the airshower to get rid of the micro-dust.
Finally, TL also has the real-time monitoring system
which makes watching patient's operation possible.

🍁October Specials🍁
🍁Dates: 1-31 October🍁
🍁Facial contouring 🍁
Zygoma & Jaw & Chin & Implants
Special rates apply for revisions & complex cases 
🍁Contact us Today🍁
Email: tlplasticsurgery@gmail.com
Kakaotalk: tlps1234
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#change #facialcontouring #rhino #implant #kpop #kbeauty #tlpskorea
 #vegas #tokyo #seoul #vline #diet #celebrity #plasticsurgery #tl美容整形外科 
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