2017년 1월 31일 화요일


Anti-Wrinkle Neck Stretch

01 Relax your shoulder and look up.

    Stretch your neck and hold it for 5 seconds.

02 Band your thumb and place under your chin. 

    Then push it to the up ward

03 Place right thumb on the middle of clavicle bone

    Place left thumb under the chin and push it up

04 Gently hold the side of the chin and push it up to earlobe.

    Do same thing on the other side 

05 Use index finger and thumb to pinch up middle of chin to earlobe.

    Repeat this step 3 times

06 Gently massage your chin to earlobe.

    Repeat this step 

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 TL Facial Contouring


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#1 Fun

This 3 years old cute boy, James Hyatt, was playing with a metal detector and he found the gold pendant in England.

He was using it when, as he put it, "It went beep beep beep."
Experts say it is 500-year-old gold pendant and it is worth about 4 million dollars.

The BBC reports that they Hyatts found the pendant in a field and they will share the money with the field's owner if the pendant is sold.

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 TL Facial Contouring


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Facial Contouring

Do you want to be pretty like the model shown below?

Here is the result from TL Plastic Surgery

TL Plastic Surgery offers Facial Contouring Trio (Zygoma(Cheek bone) + Jaw + Chin) and Perfect V-line (Jaw + Chin)

Fabulous February Facial Contouring Promotion is going on

Only Limited 22 people

Don't miss this great offer!!

If you are interested or any concerns, please do not hesitate to ask us


2017년 1월 26일 목요일

#1 Travel

Celebrating Seollal (Lunar New Year) in Korea

Seollal is the first day of the Lunar calendar and lasts for three days the day of new year, the day before new year and the day after new year. This year, Seollal falls on January 28th (TOMORROW!) and lasts 27th through 30th of January. 

Seollal is one of the biggest celebrated national holidays in Korea and it is special occasion for Korean people. All of family members are gathered and playing folk games, eating Tteokguk (rice cake soup), and performing ancestral rites. So usually, the day and the day after Seollal there is a heavy traffics on the high way and all of train and bus tickets are sold out. It is smart to reserve tickets early!

Traditional Food : Tteokguk

Once all of family members are gathered, they are having traditional soup Tteokguk made based on beef broth and made with sliced rice cakes, beef, egg vegetables and other ingredients. As Koreans having Tteokguk, they hopes of longevity and good health.

Traditional Folk game : Yutnori

Seollal is an opportunity for the entire family to engage in fun activities together. The most common activity is Yutnori, a board game that involves throwing for wooden sticks. This is so easy to learn that all family members, regardless of age, can enjoy playing in terms and making fun bets.

There are variety of styles with various rules but the general rules of the game are the same. Yutnori is played by throwing four sticks and moving your game markers around the board depending on the number of up-facing sticks. Each team has four markers and the team to get all four of their markers around the board wins. 

Happy Lunar New Year!

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 TL Facial Contouring


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#1 Daily

Have you ever seen this much huge strawberry?

This is called King's berry in Korea and it was big issued on news few days ago.

This is so Huge and Big!!

Normally, size about my fist

Let me compare to just normal strawberry. 

I think this king's berry is twice or three times much bigger than just normal strawberry.

It seems like genetically modified as big as it is and taste much more sweet!

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 TL Facial Contouring


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2017년 1월 25일 수요일

#1 Diet Tips

All women want to be skinny and have a nice body shape, but it is difficult to be control consuming food in front you. I would like to share tips to suppress appetites.

01 Tap & massage your forehead for 30 minutes

As the research shown in USA, tapping forehead actually decreased appetite up to 10%.

02 Brush your teeth

When you have wolfish appetite, brushing teeth helps to suppress appetites. Strong mint flavor helps a lot as well.

03 Place vanilla scented candle around you 

Sweet scented candle makes our nose insensible to sweet flavored foods. It decreases craving for sweets.

04 Consume high fiber foods

Consuming high fiber foods stays long full satiety and suppresses appetites.
If you are dying to eat, why don't you try fruits and vegetable before you having some food.

05 Avoid the place you eat everyday

If you have any favorite store you cannot miss it, just fetch about the place. Avoid the place you impulsively had some food.

06 Keep diet motivation photos

Keep remind yourself your future body.

07 Shop for pretty cloths and imagine yourself wear on them

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 TL Facial Contouring


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2017년 1월 24일 화요일

#1 Health Hacks

This it why you should put a slice of onion on the sole of your foot before you go to bed. This unusual method will literally heal you in your sleep.

The first step is to cut a slice from an organic onion.

Then place the slice in the sole of your foot and put on a sock to keep the slice from sliding off.

This method will work wonders overnight

  • It will clean your blood. Onions contain phosphoric acid which is absorbed into the foot and has cleansing effect on the blood.

  • Bacteria and germs are filtered out of the blood and killed off

  • The stimulation of the sole activates various points throughout the body in a similar way to acupuncture. This relaxes you and relieves pain.

  • It might sound strange, but your feet will actually smell better. The onion slice draws all of the chemicals and poisons out of your foot and even cleans the air around you.

Share this trick for cleansing the body in a 100% natural way without actually having to do anything.

It is perfect for anyone who is interested in doing something good for their body. And if your are actually sick, it is a great way to give your immune system an extra boost.

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 TL Facial Contouring


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2017년 1월 23일 월요일

Double eyelid surgery (incision)

What is incision method?

Create double eyelid crease by incision and remove tissues such as skin, fat, and muscle
Incision method is permanent and possible to operate together with additional procedure such as ptosis correction, fat removal, and sagging skin removal to be more defined and beautiful eye shape.
Also, the scar is almost invisible which makes very natural result by the doctors with abundant surgery experience.

Surgery method

Incise skin on the expected double eyelid crease and remove correct amount of fat and muscle. And suture the incision site.

Suitable condition

  • If you want permanent double eyelid
  • If you have much fat and muscle of eyelid
  • If you have sagging eyelid
  • If you had eyelid surgery before

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 TL Facial Contouring


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2017년 1월 19일 목요일

Tips For The Perfect Selfie

I would like to share 10 secrets for the amazing and beautiful selfie.
Let's hit thousands millions of likes! Here is how:

01 Tilt Your Head At An Angle
This simple trick highlights your cheekbones and make your eyes look bigger while giving off a totally adorable vibe.

02 Find The Perfect Light
The right lighting will make your skin look amazing and your hair super shiny-try standing next to a window or going outside to take advantage of the natural light.

03 Wear Your Favorite Bold Lipstick
Wearing a bright lipstick will give your pic a cool focal point and will take your kissy face selfie to the next level.

04 No Light? No Worries!
Swipe highlighter in your cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead to give your skin an amazing glow, no filter necessary.

05  Find Your Signature Pose
When you feel great, you look great! Find a signature pose that makes you feel hot no matter the situation

06 Perfect Your Picture with an App 
There are tons of awesome apps you can use to make your selfies look even better like Photo Wonder, Snow and B612. You can remove blemishes, whiten your teeth, personalize your photo with stickers, and so much more. The best part is that the app is free to use!

07 Fan Yourself
Steal this photographer trick to snap magazine-worthy shots. Use a fan to create glamorous movement in your hair. It is so simple and easy step. Just make sure to set it up a couple of feet away from you like light breeze, not like tornado.

08 Switch Up Your Filters

Go for a retro look with a black and white filter, or give tour selfie a warm, cool look with a golden filter.

09 Hole The Camera Above Your Head
This angle will give your selfies an artsy feel, while giving you the opportunity to show off some of your cute outfit!

10 Do Not Take It Too Seriously
Chances are if you're having fun taking photo, your followers will have fun looking at it, which means more likes! This is most important that you want to be able to look back at the picture and remember the great time you had.

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 Personal & Professional.
 TL Facial Contouring


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 Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
 Instagram: tlfacialcontouring

Drinking a cup of water in the morning


01 Detoxification

 Drinking a cup of water in on empty stomach detoxifies your body and enhance the blood circulation.

  02 Healthy Diet

 If you are on a diet, it is necessary to drinking water on an empty stomach. It also makes you to feel less starving than you expected as well as food craving.

03 Helps constipation

A cup of water on an empty stomach stimulates intestine which excretes waste matter from the body. It is highly effective in women.

04 Raise Body Metabolism

Water in the body speeds up the metabolism. Metabolism secretive substances in to chemical and material changes. As high body metabolism, the body is health and activative.

05 Increase Immune system

Water activates lymphnodes and as lymphnodes are manipulated, personal physical strength and immune system will be improved.


06 Have smooth and silky hair

Enriched moisture develops nutrition in hair because 1/4 of hair consists of moisture. If you would like to have smooth silky hair, do not forget to drink water!

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 Personal & Professional. 
 TL Facial Contouring


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 Kakao: tlps1234 
 Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr 

 Instagram: tlfacialcontouring

2017년 1월 17일 화요일

Double eyelid surgery 2

Partial incision method

  • Combined surgery method with only the pros of incisional method and non-incisional method double eyelid surgery
Small incision – strong fixation and invisible scar
Fat tissue removal on the eyelid – natural and defined double eyelid
Eyelid with thick fat tissue is not suitable for buried suture but this method can remove fat through
2-3mm partial incision and make double eyelid with buried suture method.

Surgery method

  • Create double eyelid crease by suture after removing fat or muscle through minimized incision.
Suitable condition
  • If the patient want stronger fixation for the double eyelid
  • If suturing method is not enough to make double eyelid due to too much muscle or fat.
  • If the patient had buried suture method but it is failed.

Scientific eyelid surgery
Improving balance of overall facial features by attractive eyes

TL Eyelid Surgery Department

Eyelid surgery is more important to make balance with your face rather than following trend.
Beautiful eye line even after 10 years by suitable eyelid surgery on you
Consultation – Surgery – Aftercare 1 on 1 focused care system
Customized surgery focus on the individual’s characteristic
1 on 1 focused anesthesia system
Provide abundant surgery experience cases on the eyelid surgery
1 on 1 focused after care system
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 Personal & Professional.
 TL Facial Contouring
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 Kakao: tlps1234
 Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
 Instagram: tlfacialcontouring


2017년 1월 16일 월요일

Double eyelid Surgery

  Buried suture method

The method fixing double eyelid without incising skin

This method is known as quick double eyelid surgery, magic double eyelid surgery, and etc, in different clinics.
Commonly, buried suture method has various type such as simple buried suture, continues buried suture, single tie buried suture, and etc,.
TL Plastic surgery applies the most suitable type of buried suture method based on individual’s eyes.

  Surgery method

Double eyelid surgery with inserting thread through 1mm small holes and burying on the double eyelid line




  Check list

  • I have disappearing double eyelid
  • I have asymmetry double eyelid
  • I have only one side double eyelid
  • I want natural looking double eyelid
  • This surgey method is recommanded to persom who have thin eyelid skin with less fat tissue
If you think you are following one of those list above and you want free consultation please contact us
Contact me for free consultation
 Personal & Professional.
 TL Facial Contouring
 Stay tuned with me!
 Web: www.tlplasticsurgery.com
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 Kakao: tlps1234
 Blog: tlfacialcontouring.blogspot.kr
 Instagram: tlfacialcontouring

2017년 1월 15일 일요일

How to fight against Bruising after Plastic Surgery

Many people ask how to minimize bruising fast
Here is how

1. Ice Therapy
Application of ice pack is the best first aid for bruises. Ice packs actually cool down the damaged blood vessels and control the blood leakage. Keep the icepack on the bruise for 10 minutes for an immediate relief. Do not exceed the time to apply cold pack for more than 20 minutes

2. Elastic Bandage - compressure head band
You can use an elastic bandage to stop bruise from spreading. Whenever you find a bruise on your body, immediately wrap a plastic bandage to control the blood leakage in the tissues. This not only prevents bruise from spreading, but also makes the healing process speedy

3. Hot Water Bottle
Take a bottle and fill hot water in it. Keep it on the injured area. Hot water will certainly reduce the blood clot and slow down the blood flow to the affected tissues. In case of swelling, first apply cold compress and then hot compress.

4. Vinegar
Vinegar has the efficiency to drive away the blood that has pooled in the affected area. Once bruises appear, mix vinegar with warm water and apply it on the affected area to treat blood clot instantly.

5. Pineapple
Pineapple as an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme when consumed can reach the damaged blood vessels to digest the protein that causes bruise and skin inflammation. Taking at least 500 milligrams of bromelain each day can fade away bruise faster.

6. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an effective remedy to treat blood clotting and tissue damage in the body. To treat bruises quickly, eat vitamin K rich vegetables. Add Brussels sprouts, broccoli and leafy green vegetables to your meal.
  • Alternatively, buy vitamin K cream from the nearby drug store and apply it on the bruises to treat them faster.


  • Use the above remedies as many times as possible in a day.
  • There are microwave moist heat packs available in the market. You can buy such heat packs to treat your bruises better.
  • Soon after treating your bruise with cold or warm packs, a soothing massage is recommended. If you cannot tolerate the pain then chuck this step..
  • You can combine both warm and cold bruise treatments alternately to get better relief from bruise. However it is recommended that you give at least 2 hours gap between these treatments.
  • If you are living in a tropical area then expose your bruise to direct sunlight. Sunlight breaks down the bilirubin to make the bruise yellow in colour, thus, it fades away faster.
  • If possible, keep the affected area elevated.


  • While treating bruise in legs and hands, always try to treat it from top and not under the affected area.
  • After bruises appear, restrict moving around often. The more you walk, run, jump or move around, the bruise develops more. Avoid putting strain on affected area.
  • Start your treatment before 24 hours as the blood clot may get severe.
  • Avoid intake of aspirin.
Sometime bruises may occur without fall, trip or any other injury. This is a serious condition and an indication for you to consult your doctor. Bruises can also appear due to leukemia, anemia and hemophilia that are deadly, so consult your doctor immediately.

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 Personal & Professional.

 TL Facial Contouring

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 Instagram: tlfacialcontouring