I would like to share 10 secrets for the amazing and beautiful selfie.
Let's hit thousands millions of likes! Here is how:
01 Tilt Your Head At An Angle
This simple trick highlights your cheekbones and make your eyes look bigger while giving off a totally adorable vibe.
02 Find The Perfect Light
The right lighting will make your skin look amazing and your hair super shiny-try standing next to a window or going outside to take advantage of the natural light.
03 Wear Your Favorite Bold Lipstick
Wearing a bright lipstick will give your pic a cool focal point and will take your kissy face selfie to the next level.
04 No Light? No Worries!
Swipe highlighter in your cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead to give your skin an amazing glow, no filter necessary.
05 Find Your Signature Pose
When you feel great, you look great! Find a signature pose that makes you feel hot no matter the situation
06 Perfect Your Picture with an App
There are tons of awesome apps you can use to make your selfies look even better like Photo Wonder, Snow and B612. You can remove blemishes, whiten your teeth, personalize your photo with stickers, and so much more. The best part is that the app is free to use!
07 Fan Yourself
Steal this photographer trick to snap magazine-worthy shots. Use a fan to create glamorous movement in your hair. It is so simple and easy step. Just make sure to set it up a couple of feet away from you like light breeze, not like tornado.
08 Switch Up Your Filters
Go for a retro look with a black and white filter, or give tour selfie a warm, cool look with a golden filter.
09 Hole The Camera Above Your Head
This angle will give your selfies an artsy feel, while giving you the opportunity to show off some of your cute outfit!
10 Do Not Take It Too Seriously
Chances are if you're having fun taking photo, your followers will have fun looking at it, which means more likes! This is most important that you want to be able to look back at the picture and remember the great time you had.
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